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Frequently Asked Questions


Retirement Planning is much like your personal health concerns.  You may have all the same symptoms, but the cure may not always be the same based on your personal needs.  Here are some of the most asked questions we receive:

 01  How much money will I need to retire? 

                  A careful review of your budget plans and retirement needs is the best place to start.   When do you want to retire?   How many years will I need to continue working? Will you still have a mortgage,  car payment, or plan to travel.  When we review your personal information we include all Social Security Benefits options , Retirement investments and your taxes to design a detailed layout of when and how the best options are to start.  Due to new longevity ages, individuals are living longer so this is one of the many specific reasons to make sure what you have will be there for as long as you may need it. 




 02  What are the various ways to file for Social Security Benefits?.


         Due to the Bipartisan Act of 2015, the options on how and when to file has changed drastically.  With new available options such as spousal benefits vs your personal benefit ,  windfall provision, and government offset provisions there are many factors which can alter your decision on this. 




 03  What additional costs will I have when I retire? 


       Many employee are staying with their current positions due to the costs of Health Care Insurance.    Although they have the option to continue their coverage with their retirement benefit, these costs can be excessively expensive.   If you have the opportunity to take advantage of Medicare with your Social Security benefits, you may need to obtain an Advantage Plan and/or Additional Coverage.  These benefits have changed over the years and many carriers have zero premium for basic coverage plans.  Again this one of the costs you need to consider when planning for retirement. 


 04   How soon should I start planning for retirement?


          This is the MILLION DOLLAR questions!!!  We have worked with individuals who are basically just starting out, to individuals who have already retired in helping them preserve their hard earned savings, investments and maximizing what is already in place to make sure they 

are secure in the basic knowledge that every step is a movement forward. 


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